I might be going a bit too far or too fast.

I have been lately running out of ideas of what to do for content, but it’s actually myself to blame because I haven’t actually been taking effort and immediately just getting everything straight forward. What I’m saying is that I need to take a step back and start from a new perspective. Recently, I’ve uploaded a few Disney Speedstorm clips to get started off with.

Essentially, I want to start making a bunch of clips and posting them on my YouTube and Tiktok from any gameplays I do on Disney Speedstorm. I’m not sure if I’m going to be doing any clips from Counter Strike 2 or some other game. Might do more of Splitgate again on YouTube if that ever gets me somewhere, but I’m not sure as Splitgate hasn’t received a lot of popularity and reports of a similar game by the dev, which is exciting for me and I’m willing to play it on my channel once it comes out. Basically, I am trying to only focus on two games, which Disney Speedstorm is one, and I don’t know what other game to focus on. If things go right, I might do Splitgate vids and clips as well as I do would like to play the new game that the devs might release.

I am still working on my communication skills however. I’ve been searching for Discord servers I can voice chat through, and I’ve been talking a bit more here and there. Made a couple friends, one who wants to do streaming which can help the both of us, and I do have a friend I have met from Splitgate, which is a Halo fan. Unfortunately, I have never played Halo before, and I couldn’t run it well with the specs I have right now. There might be a chance I might play it in the future, but I have to do with the PC specs I have right now. I tried playing Halo Infinite, but I ended up deleting it as I was getting slideshow framerate when I entered into a match, so that was a no-go for my computer’s specifications. I’ll try experimenting between making clips and short content on three games being Disney Speedstorm, Splitgate, and Counter Strike 2 as of now. I might do a bit of Tetris as well. Doing this experiment may be able to get me somewhere if I’m entertaining enough. I just gotta make sure to keep up with my schedule, and upload clips daily if applicable. I just gotta take things slow and put in effort to what I’m doing. I don’t want to remain hopeless, depressed, and not being able to advance in 5 years. I just want to be able to communicate, have more fun times, and being able to do more than just sit in a chair all day and game without recording.

If you would like to leave me suggestions for how I can improve or any game I can play and make clips on and watch more of my content I would like to experiment on, feel free to subscribe on YouTube and follow me on Tiktok, X (Twitter), and Mastodon.

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tetrashot7

X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/TetraShot7

Tiktok: https://tiktok.com/@tetrashot7

Mastodon: @[email protected]
